Historical Society Re-Organizational Meeting

Date Posted: Monday, October 12th, 2015

The Frederica Historical Society Invites you to a re-organizational meeting on Wednesday October 14, 2015.   Historical Society Re-organization Meeting Details

Annual Municipal Election – March 5, 2016

Date Posted: Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

The Annual Municipal Election will be held the 1st Saturday in March from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the Frederica Fire Department Hall.  YOU MUST BE  REGISTERED VOTER IN THE TOWN OF FREDERICA TO VOTE IN THE ELECTIONS.  Being a registered voter with the State of Delaware does NOT entitle you to vote in the Town elections.  If you are not sure if you are registered, contact Town Hall during normal business hours. The election this year consists of one (1) Council Member and the Office of Mayor.  You may be considered for candidacy for an office by filing, IN PERSON, at the Town Hall during regular business hours, not earlier than the opening of business on December 7, 2015 and prior to the close of business on the last Friday of January which is January 26, 2016. All notifications of candidacy will be presented to the Town Council […]

Welcome to Frederica’s New Website!

Date Posted: Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

Hello, and welcome to our new website! We will be constantly adding new content as we get everything up and running, so be sure to check back often!  We hope that this site will serve as an improved method of connecting and communicating information and events. On the bottom of the Home page, you will be able to see a listing of all of our currently scheduled events, and news posts pertaining to important matters in our town. Check out our interactive calendar.  By clicking on a day, you will be able to see details about all of the events listed.  Be sure to explore all of the tabs across the top of the page, as we will try keep useful information up to date and readily available for you.  We hope that you will enjoy and utilize this exciting new tool!

2015 Town Election Results!

Date Posted: Friday, September 11th, 2015

Total Voting: 54 Residents Peter Rager Amanda Hudson Jesus (Poncho) Davila Swearing In and Reorganization Meeting: Monday March 9, 2015 at 6:30PM (Open Meetings – Everyone is Welcome) Election Results PDF

Welcome to the Town of Frederica

Date Posted: Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015

The Town of Frederica is located in Kent County, Delaware, southeast of Dover on the banks of Andrews Lake and Killens Pond State Park, and covers a total area of about 1,098 acres. The Town of Frederica is part of a grant of land originally deeded to Mr. Boneny Bishop by William Penn in 1681 and designated on survivors records as St. Collom. The bend on the Murderkill River that later became the port was first called Indian Point. As its importance to the early settlers grew, it came to be reffered to as Johhny Cake Landing. A detailed survey of the waterfront was conducted in 1758, and the plot where most of the shipping activity occurred was named Goforth’s Landing. This parcel provided a nucleus around which the rest of the town was surveyed and laid out in lots by Jonathan Emerson in 1772. In 1796, one of his […]